
"If you are a dreamer, come in. If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, a hoper, a prayer, a magic bean buyer, if you're a pretender, come sit by my fire, for i have some flax golden tales to spin. Come in, Come in." -Shel Sylverstien, Where the Sidewalk Ends

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Drawing of the Shoe

        For the forst marking period in my art clas, we drew shoes. It is honostly not as boring as it sounds. There wa a lot of hard work and effort put into every part of it.
First I used a cut piece of paper to look though, in order to get the proportions. Once it looked the way I wanted it, I could start drawing the outline and then work on the details. The nig problem for me was making sure the shoes were lined up properly in proportion to what I had drawn, and for some reason the shoes kept moving each day. (Another class? or a ghost, mabye?) Either way I was eventually able to move on to the details which weren't that hard suprisingly. Another thing that tripped me up for a while was the shading. For some reason I just could not get that darkness on the bottom of the left shoe! However, I managed it well enough and this is how it turned out:
The darkeness on the side is the value scale to help me get the darkness correct as well as showing me how to blend. 

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