
"If you are a dreamer, come in. If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, a hoper, a prayer, a magic bean buyer, if you're a pretender, come sit by my fire, for i have some flax golden tales to spin. Come in, Come in." -Shel Sylverstien, Where the Sidewalk Ends

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Graphite Bicycle

The first drawing my art class did this year was a drawing of a bike. Sounds easy right? It really wasnt. I started out with several light sketches on one piece of paper to get a firm standing on the composition of the piece as well as the proportions and mechanics of it. I finally chose to do the seat of the bike and so started the almost life-sized drawing on blue colored paper. It started out well, i drew it to the proportions I needed and everything was gong fine until I realized the drawing was beginning to become lost in the paper. My teacher showed me how to darken the drawing to make the lights lighter and the darks darker. I will admit, I began to get frustrated when things were not going according to plan (i.e. the lines were getting too fuzzy or the shape of the bike was getting warped) but when I got past that part, I actually began enjoying it. When I was finished it, I was quite proud, not only of my drawing but of what I learned while in the process. At the end, I was given a self asessment sheet. I gave myself fair grades on the understanding of composition and value, of technical excellence and attention to detail, and of the use of processes and problem solving according to where i felt my skill level was. This project has reminded me of and taught me skills that I will be able to use in future drawings and to that I say: Horaay!

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