
"If you are a dreamer, come in. If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, a hoper, a prayer, a magic bean buyer, if you're a pretender, come sit by my fire, for i have some flax golden tales to spin. Come in, Come in." -Shel Sylverstien, Where the Sidewalk Ends

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fotune Cookies

My teacher distributed fortune cookies to the class and we were told to interpret them into art. After some thought, I decided to go for an almost direct approach, meaning I tried to draw representations of the fortunes. I wrote the fortunes on the paper and drew pictures to represent each one. I know it may sound odd but the thing I am most proud of in this piece is the way the ribbons with the fortunes on them are drawn. This was a nice project and despite my fortunes having pretty much nothing in common,  I was able to represent them in some way.

3 Artists, 1 Painting

So there's this interesting new project my teacher introduced to us: Art x3! It's where one person starts a piece of art, another one continues it, and a third person finishes it. The theme for this art endeavor was "celebrity," and we were allowed to interpret that how we wanted. It was really interesting to see how other people took your art and changed it to fit their ideas. The above picture was fairly sparse but still really good when I got it and I had no idea how to "make it my own." However, with guidance from my teacher I was able to turn it into the piece you see right here. I had worked on two other pieces before this one and had to let both of them go. It was not an easy experience, especially since I had just thought of where to go with each of the pieces when Poof! they went onto the next person. I have to say I am rather proud of the final result of this one. It took a lot of time and effort but I was able to "make it my own."

Pop Art Stamps

What's fun and kooky and can be used over and over again? Stamps! This marking period we made stamps of our own in pop art style! As you can see, the subject for my stamp is and/or was a globe. I chose it because I have been into geography and history of late thanks to this show I've been watching. Anyway, I thought the globe would be a nice challenge for my artistic skill and it really was. I first had to envision what the stamp would look like then draw the globe on a small piece of paper. Then I darkened the lines so the pencil was nice and thick and then printed it onto a rubber stamp. I then spent several days cutting it out using various tools and eventually viola! It was finished! Next came the really fun part: the printing. I made several different prints other than the ones in the above picture but these were some of my favorites out of all of them. I am really quite proud of how these turned out and the way they are situated really gives them that "Andy Warsaw-mass production" type feeling.